Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Re: what to do with a new harddisk

Re: what to do with a new harddisk: "If you have done a default install of FC3 then you will be using LVM. This gives you the opportunity to use the additional disk space as if it was extra space on your existing filesystems rather than creating a new partition and mounting it at a fixed mountpoint, where the only additional space you'll get is under that mountpoint.

To do this, proceed as above up to the 'p' command
in 'fdisk'. At this point, do the following:

Use the 't' command in fdisk to change the type of the new partition to '8e' (Linux LVM). Then use the 'w' command as above to write out the new partition table.

You would then set up your new partition as an LVM physical volume:
# pvcreate /dev/hdb1

You can then add this new space to your existing volume group, which by default is called Volume00 (the 'vgdisplay' command will show you which volume groups you have):
# vgextend Volume00 /dev/hdb1

You can then allocate additional space to any existing logical volumes you have. I think by default that you get LogVol00 for the root partition and LogVol01 for swap ('df' or a look in your /etc/fstab file should show you what you have). Use the 'lvextend' command to do this (see 'man lvextend').

e.g. to add 50G to LogVol00:
# lvextend --size 50G /dev/Volume00/LogVol00

Finally, you thne increase the size of the filesystem to fill the bigger logical volume. In FC3, this can be done whilst the filesystem is mounted:

# ext2online -v /dev/Volume00/LogVol00 "

Also found this snippet on another page:
ext2online can resize ext3. It does Not resize the block device; you'll
have to do that another way (fdisk magic, LVM, md, whatever).
[ ]


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