Sunday, May 07, 2006

HDTVtoMPEG2 instead of projectx

ProjectX has problems with the conan_finland show, so tried hdtvtompeg2 (windows). Made public samba share. Symlinked to .nuv file, named symlink foo.nuv. Convert to finland.0000.mpg (mpeg2) with hdtvtompeg2. Xfer to FE. then:

# ffmpeg -y -i finland.0000.mpg -pass 1 -passlogfile fin_passfile
-target dvd -s 720x480 -deinterlace -r 30000/1001 -b 3200
-minrate 1500 -maxrate 7000 -aspect 16:9 -bufsize 8192
-acodec copy fin_h2m.mpg

Problem was that there were lots of 'buffer underflow' messages and video/audio sync was off. Later, I looked at how mytharchive runs ffmpeg and followed its ffmpeg cli options to the tee. Seems that the -copyts option might do the trick.

Then dvdauthor.
(don't need to mplex since we are processing audio with the video (-acodec copy)


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