Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Backup of FE video settings

Settings for Panasonic plasma 42" (snippet from myth db dump):

INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('GuiWidth','830','');
INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('GuiHeight','480','');
INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('GuiOffsetX','13','');
INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('GuiOffsetY','-4','');
INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('GuiSizeForTV','0','');
INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('HideMouseCursor','1','');
INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('RunFrontendInWindow','0','');
INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('UseVideoModes','0','');
INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('GuiVidModeResolution','640x480','');
INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('TVVidModeResolution','320x175','');
INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('TVVidModeForceAspect','0.0','');
INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('VidModeWidth0','0','');
INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('VidModeHeight0','0','');
INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('TVVidModeResolution0','320x175','');
INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('TVVidModeForceAspect0','0.0','');
INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('VidModeWidth1','0','');
INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('VidModeHeight1','0','');
INSERT INTO settings VALUES ('TVVidModeResolution1','320x175','');

Monday, December 26, 2005

Play audio CD with mplayer

# mplayer cdda:////dev/hdb -ao alsa:device=digital2c

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Increased buffers for IOBOUND errors

Been seeing lots of IOBOUND errors. See 5/11/2005 blog entry for larger buffer sizes patched and compiled today.

No more lost audio problems

Since changing from mpeg PS to TS, there have no more lost audio problems. All recordings have sound to the end of the program :)

Password-less logins from BE to FE (ssh keys)

On backend:

[root@myth ~]# ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
[root@myth ~]#

scp to FE in a tmp dir.

Then on FE, add (BE's public key) to FE's authorized_keys file:

[root@be .ssh]# cat ~/tmp/backend_rsa_pubkey >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Make channel invisible instead of deleting it

mysql> select chanid,name,visible,channum from channel where channum='38_1';

| chanid | name | visible | channum |
| 1045 | KCNSDT (KCNS-DT) | 1 | 38_1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> update channel set visible=0 where chanid=1045;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Removing unwanted channels

Myth Howto:

23.9 Removing unwanted channels

If mythfilldatabase grabbed a channel which you do not want to include in your TV listings, you can remove the entries from the grabber configuration and the MySQL database. This often happens with premium channels; for example, HBO or Showtime may be available on your cable TV system, but is scrambled because you're not a subscriber to that channel. Since you can never watch it, you want to get rid of it.

If you are using the DataDirect service, login to your account at to modify your lineup. Uncheck the boxes for any unwanted channels, and they will no longer be included in your download.

If you are using a grabber from XMLTV, comment out the channel from the ~/.mythtv/.xmltv file by inserting the word "not " (including the space) in front of the unwanted entry. This will prevent xmltv from grabbing future listings.

Next, delete the unwanted item from the channel table so that it will not appear in the EPG or when changing channels. To delete the data from the database we need to perform some steps. First, assuming that HBO is channel 15, we need to find out the internal chanid used by MySQL:

$ mysql -u root mythconverg
mysql> select chanid from channel where channum=15;
| chanid |
| 1015 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> delete from channel where chanid = 1015;

Old program data will be removed over the course of a week. However, you may want to immediately delete any current program listings for the channel that has been removed:

$ mysql -u root mythconverg
mysql> delete from program where chanid = 1015;

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Installed Roku HD1000 and mythroku

Telnet to .201 address. Login 'root. Pw:

CF card is mounted on /mnt/flash1:

# mount
/dev/mtdblock/1 on / type cramfs (ro)
none on /dev type devfs (rw)
/dev/mtdblock/2 on /mnt/flash0 type yaffs (rw)
/proc on /proc type proc (rw)
tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw)
tmpfs on /var type tmpfs (rw)
tmpfs on /mnt/smb type tmpfs (rw)
/dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 on /mnt/flash1 type vfat (ro,noatime)

mythroku app and .roku file are there:

# ls /mnt/flash1
Themes misc mythroku.roku rml
dcim mythroku.roku.png

Setup was a breeze, except for one annoying '/' needed at the end of the themedir setting. Here's the final mythroku.roku config file:

# Due to its maturity, not many options are available *yet*
# [-backend=] The name of the myth master backend server
# [-settingsdir=] The directory to use for the .settings files
# and thumbnail previews
# [-cleansettings] If this option is provided, upon startup the
# settingsdir will be cleaned of all outdated
# .png and .settings files
# [-newestfirst] Sort episodes in order from newest to oldest
# [-themedir] Points to the folder above the "Themes" folder

SXPATH=`echo "$0" | sed 's/\/mythroku.roku$//'`
"$SXPATH/" -settingsdir=/tmp/mythroku -backend= -newestfirst -themedir=/home/root/roku/

(see my gmail account for a backup of this file)

Put the theme background in /home/root/roku/Themes/mythroku/background.png

Roku's CF card has three files on it:
mythroku.roku (text config file; edited in unix vi, avoid Notepad! it has ^M) (main app)
mythroku.roku.png (little icon for app)

To upgrade mythroku, just overwrite with the new file.