Sunday, February 19, 2006

Dump of backend root partition

Issue dump on BE, send to FE via ssh:

[root@myth ~]# dump -0uv -f - -h 0 / | gzip | ssh -p 4242 root@ dd of=/root/myth_be_dump_021906.gz
DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Sun Feb 19 18:15:48 2006
DUMP: Dumping /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 (/) to standard output
DUMP: Excluding inode 8 (journal inode) from dump
DUMP: Excluding inode 7 (resize inode) from dump
DUMP: Label: none
DUMP: Writing 10 Kilobyte records
DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]

[...wait about 5-10mins...]
DUMP: dumping regular inode 11586309
DUMP: dumping regular inode 11586310
DUMP: dumping regular inode 11586311
DUMP: dumping regular inode 11586312
DUMP: dumping regular inode 11586313
DUMP: dumping regular inode 11586314
DUMP: dumping regular inode 11586315

NFS: Mount FE dir on BE

fe# cat /etc/exports

fe# service nfs start

be# mount /mnt
Mount be dir on fe:

be# cat /etc/exports

fe# mount /mnt

Friday, February 10, 2006

Fix pid on one channel

NBC (KNTV) changed their equipment. PID changed and showing weather info instead of NBC.

Need to change serviceid.

mysql> select * from channel where callsign like '%KNTV%';
| chanid | channum | freqid | sourceid | callsign | name | icon | finetune | videofilters | xmltvid | recpriority | contrast | brightness | colour | hue | tvformat | commfree | visible | outputfilters | useonairguide | mplexid | serviceid | atscsrcid |
| 1000 | 111 | NULL | 1 | KNTV-HD | KNTV-HD | none | NULL | | | 0 | 32768 | 32768 | 32768 | 32768 | Default | 0 | 0 | | 1 | 2 | 4 | 2 |
| 1071 | 111 | NULL | 1 | KNTV-HD | KNTV-HD | none | NULL | | | 0 | 32768 | 32768 | 32768 | 32768 | Default | 0 | 1 | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 |
| 1039 | 11_1 | 12-1 | 1 | KNTVDT | KNTVDT(KNTV-DT) | none | NULL | | 21785 | 0 | 32768 | 32768 | 32768 | 32768 | Default | 0 | 1 | | 0 | 2 | 4 | 2 |
| 1015 | 11_2 | 12-2 | 1 | KNTVDT2 | KNTVDT2 (KNTV-DT2) | none | NULL | | 36151 | 0 | 32768 | 32768 | 32768 | 32768 | Default | 0 | 1 | | 0 | NULL | NULL | NULL |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from channel where chanid='1039'\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
chanid: 1039
channum: 11_1
freqid: 12-1
sourceid: 1
callsign: KNTVDT
icon: none
finetune: NULL
xmltvid: 21785
recpriority: 0
contrast: 32768
brightness: 32768
colour: 32768
hue: 32768
tvformat: Default
commfree: 0
visible: 1
useonairguide: 0
mplexid: 2
serviceid: 4
atscsrcid: 2
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Current (bad) serviceid is '4'. Must hack and try 1,2,3,5.

Try 3 first cuz most of my channels are svcid=3 and stupid NBC Weather stream is '4':

mysql> UPDATE channel set serviceid=3 WHERE chanid='1039';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0

Record something. WORKS! :)

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

ProjectX Transcode

Transcoding, removing commercials:

My procedure is something like this:

1) Having M740 connected via SAMBA proto & 100Mbps Ethernet to my Linux box => so aired DVB-T MPEGs (TS format) are stored right away on the target platform/box.

2) I use Cridical (cridical.exe) for exports of the M740 recording to a single *.ts file (a TS MPEG).

2.1) Note: Not calling PVAStrumento, just cridical.exe, and I select a "TS" export in Cridical. It is very fast (it's basically a merge of all M740 recordings/files related to a single show).

2.2) Note: I run cridical.exe via Wine - without problems.

3) Now, having a TS MPEG (*.ts) file, ProjectX comes into play. I simply open a file in the ProjectX GUI, and then select Videocuts/Specials. Then I mark the commercials out, and from the main screen I select the "demux" and press the "Go" button.

After a while, the ProjectX tells you it's done. Now you have demuxed audio and video streams (*.mpa, *.m2v).

Commercials free, of course.

4) Using mplex from mjpegtools, I create a DVD-compliant MPEG file, suitable for DVD authoring - like this:

$ mplex -f 8 -o final.mpg video.m2v video.mpa

This is also very quick - no encoding here.

5) This final MPG file is the usable in DVDauthor, or can be used for input into other processing (like MPEG4 transcoding via transcode/mencoder or whatever you wish).

If mplex complains/quits due to too many drops, use tcmplex:
# tcmplex -i file1.m2v -p file1.ac3 -o final_dvd.mpg -m d

"-m d" == DVD mode

ProjectX keyboard:
<- moves to the previous I-frame
-> moves to the next I-frame
Shift -> advances at 1/10th the speed of the >> button
Shift <- works like << but at 1/10th the speed
Ctrl -> is the same as the >> button
Ctrl <- is the same as the << button
Alt -> works like >> but at 10 times the speed
Alt <- works like << but at 10 times the speed
Page up advances even more than
Page down is the reverse action to page up
Home goes to the beginning of the stream
End goes to the end of the stream
a adds a cut point
d deletes a cut point
n goes to the next cut point
p goes to the previous cut point