Installation of ProjectX (for dvd conversion, transcode, install)
Got compiled version of projectx from (has the JAR file: ProjectX.jar).
Unpacked it to ~/tmp3
You don't need to compile projectx if you have the .jar file.
Fedora java environment doesn't work well with non-trivial java apps:
""""I can't speak to the specifics of Ubuntu or ProjectX, but I know that on
most Linux distributions any JDK/JRE that's labeled "free" is gcj or
kaffe or some such. I have seen very few nontrivial applications work
correctly with any of those. My first choice would be the IBM JRE,
second would be the Sun JRE (from, not the Blackdown
[mythtv-users list]
Got JRE from jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.bin
This is a self-extracting archive.
Unpacked it to a tmp dir: ~/tmp_jre
cd ~/tmp_jre/jre1.5.0_06/bin
# ./java -jar ~/tmp3/ProjectX_Source_0.90.3/ProjectX.jar
...and the ProjectX gui appeared :)